Prato Perspectives
Some thoughts and insights for the long term investorSector Flip Flop
February 15, 2023 Many investors will look at historical returns to determine what may be a profitable investment for the future. This could be choosing a stock, fund, or sector of the market to invest in. When looking at...
Fear of Missing Out, Part II
Almost 2 years ago in our March 2021 newsletter, we discussed the fear of missing out when investing. This was a time when cryptocurrency and MEME stocks were all the rage and made the idea of investing seem like an...
A Financial Well Check
January 15, 2023 Many set goals for a new year, such as eating healthier, reading one book a month, getting in better shape, … the list goes on and is specific and unique to everyone. At Prato Capital, we see...
Predictions and Hindsight
January 4, 2023 2022 was a difficult year for investors. Both the stock and bond markets have entered bear market territory and many investors are looking for some relief as we start 2023. As stock market predictions come in for...
New Communications for January
Happy New Year from Prato Capital. Our best wishes to all of our clients for a healthy and prosperous future as we start 2023.A small but exciting change is starting at Prato Capital with the Prato Perspective page on our...